Daniela Dwyer Fellowship

The Daniela Dwyer Fellowship is our primary means of supporting the much-needed funding for research into the diagnosis and treatment of brain cancer. Our focus remains on prioritising advancements in early intervention and treatment.

A Daniela Dwyer Fellowship can be applied for by any Australian researcher, conducting research into any legitimate area of brain cancer diagnosis and / or treatment, who is working with or for any NHMRC Approved Administering Institution.

Typical fellowships range from $50,000 to $100,000 per fellow. With increased donations, it is our hope to be able to increase the frequency in which future fellowships can be awarded to multiple times per year.

You can reach out via email if you are interested in applying for our fellowship


Support the salary of a researcher or team of researchers.
Support the purchase of laboratory consumables for specific use on a dedicated brain cancer research project.
Contribute to the purchase or leasing of laboratory equipment, technology or devices to further the success and progress of a dedicated brain cancer research project.


To advance the quality and impact of brain cancer research in Australia through the provision of dedicated cancer research funding.
To contribute to the career advancement and research productivity of high-quality cancer researchers working in a Higher Education Institution and/or Medical Research Institution, with a focus on brain cancer.
To promote partnerships and collaboration in conducting high quality brain cancer research in Australia.

Fellowship Recipients

Professor Sudha Rao at QIMR

The Daniela Dwyer Foundation is proud to announce that its first fellowship recipient is Professor Sudha Rao and her team at the QIMR Berghofer Institute to assist in bringing her cutting-edge cancer diagnostic and treatment techniques to patients.

Professor Sudha Rao and her research team are based at the Gene Regulation & Translational Medicine Laboratory at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane. 
Working with world leading clinical researchers in the field of immunoncology, and using state of the art clinical and translational focus, Professor Rao’s Lab has accelerated its work in advancing novel treatments, and non-invasive diagnostics for primary brain cancer and metastatic brain cancer (more than 90% of deaths in cancer patients are due to metastasis; with young people most likely to develop brain metastasis, for which there are currently no treatments).